Need help on how to set up a double bass pedal? You’re in luck! We have a great quick guide to help you get the most out of the dynamic addition to your kit.

How to Set Up a Double Bass Pedal: Getting the Most Out of Your Double Kick!
The use of a double bass drum pedal typically adds more power to the sound, produces more consistent output, and allows you to play more patterns that you cannot do when you use a single pedal.
It’s mostly used and heard in hard rock, punk, and heavy metal music although some country styles, Latin, and jazz use it as well.
So, whether you’re a professional drummer, a beginner, or just someone really interested to learn how to play the drums, it is imperative to know how to set up double bass pedals, too.
The double bass pedal works just like a single pedal, and the only difference is that a second plate is connected by a rod to another beater mechanism while working with the primary beater, and it will require the use of both feet.
It allows you to obtain a consistent sound, plus the transport and set up on stage are easier. And when you start playing a double bass pedal, you will want to get faster and better. Let’s find out how!
The Basics of Setting Up a Double Bass Pedal
To attain a higher double-bass speed, you have to set up your pedals and bass drums successfully. Remember, keeping all of the parts well-balanced is the main focus and the ultimate goal.
This means the balance applies to the angle of the footboard, the placement of the beaters, and the spring tension.
To have similar sounding strokes, you have to set up similar settings on your feet playing pedals. The beater can be hard to control after it strikes the drumhead which also makes it hard to gain speed.
To help tone it down, you want to tune it a little looser or put the necessary amount of muffling on the batter head.
What Do You Need to Know About Fine-Tuning?
A great-sounding bass drum is something that can give you satisfaction when listening to music. And so, here’s what we need to know about fine-tuning.
The head type, the drum size, and tuning all contribute to producing a great sound, but how does the pedal affect everything, and what is its relationship to the other parts? Go ahead and read on!
- Beaters
Bass drum beaters have different features, and it comes in a variety of styles too. Its shape and size affect the sound it produces.
A larger head can, of course, produce more volume compare to the one with a flatter surface. Apart from the shape and size, the material the beater is made up of also affects the sound.
A plastic or wood surface will give you more attack, while a quieter sound is produced by a softer surface like felt or rubber. There are also beaters that can rotate and have different playing surfaces.
These types give the drummers a variety of options to use on their gigs which can have different volume requirements. Weight affects the sound too, and modifying the weight from heavy to light will allow you to change the volume.
- Footboards
If you are after a more responsive action, then longboard pedals are easier to execute and offer lighter action. On the other hand, a split-board pedal offers more power and volume.
The texture of the footboard is also another consideration since some drummers prefer to play barefoot, and a rough surface will surely not feel comfortable.
- Action Adjustments
Using a strap or chain, a cam connects the footboard to the beater assembly. Its shape adds great impact on the pedal’s action.
A large round cam turns more easily and feels lighter, while a smaller round one gives a predictable response. On the other hand, an oblong cam produces the louder note and quicker action.
- Drive Systems
Most pedals use a belt, a direct drive, or a chain to attach the cam to the footboard and beater assembly. Leather belts have a tendency to break and wear sooner.
The chain ones, on the other hand, became popular due to their durability. Although, they may feel heavier and they can be hard to clean too. Direct drive pedals eliminate lags which are present with the other types.
- Angle Adjustments
The beater’s distance and angle from the head directly affect the power and the volume from each stroke. Most drummers want a close setting to trigger a bass drum sound that is aggressive.
A 60-degree angle can be used for quiet acoustic or jazz, while a 45-degree angle produces more volume and is ideal for pop and rock music.
- Rebound Settings
Bass pedals require some form of resistance to pull the beater back after it strikes the batter head, and this is where the spring comes into play. The spring puts the beater to the original position and releases the footboard after striking the head.
Final Thoughts: Just for Double Kicks
After the discussion above about how to set up double bass pedal, we can say that it is critical that we understand what part produces what kind of sound, and how these sounds affect your music as a whole.
It’s also good to know the ways and options on how you can modify the sound that each part produces, so you would know what to do when playing different genres.
The double bass drum pedal setup should always correlate with how all the other parts are positioned to produce your desired sound or results.
There may be technical adjustments and a lot of positioning changes that you need to focus on, but you also need to keep in mind that a great setup is what makes you feel comfortable while playing your music.
And so, go ahead and sit in front of your drum set and make adjustments until you feel comfortable.
There are no blanket rules with music, and no matter how much you research and ask professionals for help with any other setup, you are the only one who can say what will work best for you.
Because let’s all be honest, it will not be successful unless you are comfortable and happy making music with your drum set.
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